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Thomas AquinasFeast day: Jan 28
On Jan. 28, the Roman Catholic Church celebrates Saint Thomas Aquinas, the 13th century theologian who showed that the Catholic faith is in harmony with philosophy and all other branches of knowledge.
Blessed John Paul II, in his 1998 letter “Fides et Ratio,” said St.
Thomas “had the great merit of giving pride of place to the harmony which exists between faith and reason,” knowing that “both the light of reason and the light of faith come from God … Hence there can be no contradiction between them.”
Thomas was born during 1225 into a noble family, having relatives among the rulers of the Holy Roman Empire.
His father Landulph was the Count of Aquino, and his mother Theodora, the Countess of Teano. At age five, Thomas was sent to study at Monte Cassino, the abbey founded by St. Benedict.
The boy's intellectual gifts and serious disposition impressed the monks, who urged his father to place him in a university by the time he was 10.
At the University of Naples, he learned philosophy and rhetoric while taking care to preserve his morals agai
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