Is today best friend day

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  • When is it national bestfriend day
  • When is national girl best friends day

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    National Best Friends Day

    About National Best Friends Day

    How long until National Best Friends Day?
    National Best Friends Day .

    Dates of National Best Friends Day
    2026USAMonday, June 8thNational Best Friends Day
    2025USASunday, June 8thNational Best Friends Day
    2024USASaturday, June 8thNational Best Friends Day
    2023USAThursday, June 8thNational Best Friends Day
    2022USAWednesday, June 8thNational Best Friends Day
    Find out the dates, history and traditions of National Best Friends Day

    June 8th is National Best Friends Day in the United States and Canada.

    It is a day to celebrate friendship and spend some time with your best friend, showing them how much you appreciate them being in your life.

    The origins of this holiday can be traced back to 1935, when the U.S. Congress declared June 8th as the chosen date for a holiday to honor friendship and close friends.

    It is thought that this specific day was chosen as the weather is usually good at this time of the year, which means that friends can celebrate the day together doing outdoor activ

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